
Tyumen, Tyumen Region, 2010

We would like to inform you that the QMS of our company meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 and STO Gazprom 9001-2006.

One of the requirements of the QMS is an annual assessment of suppliers with whom the organization has had contractual relations and notification of the suppliers of the results of such assessment.

The suppliers were evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Product quality
  • Organization of supplies (availability of accompanying documents)
  • Supplier loyalty (attitude in case of mutual settlements, responsiveness to product quality claims).
  • Prospective of the supplier (availability of a certified QMS).

We inform you that according to the results of 2009 your company is classified as a reliable supplier.

We hope for further fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

A.B. Kudryavtsev
Deputy General Director